Cell Phone Madness

So for all it may be worth in the blog about something category – KRP lost her cell phone the other night. Not that big of a deal on the whole except – yeah always one of those eh – it started a sort of disagreement right off the get go.
The phone was lost in a really bad neighborhood and as we were leaving after diner the ladies of the night and the drug seekers were already walking the street. No way I was going back there.
This is where I truly believe I am always made wrong or brushed off because we all know that my little MS mind does not work right. Round and round we go with me trying to get her to believe me that there is no way in the double tooth pick place the phone will still be there and it is nuts to go there in the first place so just in case CALL the phone service and have the phone deactivated – turn it back on if you actually find it or miracles of miracles someone actually returns it.
Nope I am being silly, negative etc. so she talks Lucio into meeting her and going back and look for the phone. I once again say CALL and have it deactivated and if you find it then call them back and reactivate it. NO go. Now as you probably have deduced by now that she did not find the phone and emm someone used it before she CALLED and deactivated it. Kind of a fun paper trail because all the number it called belonged to other stolen phones.
Sometimes hoping for the best but planning on the worst is a good plan I think. Especially when the phone was lost in one of the highest crime areas around the south area of town.
The good part of all this is since my account as not been renewed in a long time contract wise we got new phones for free if you call having to redo the contract for two more years free and we still have one more free one coming but hopefully we don’t need to use it. I like my new phone now that I have figured out how to turn it off and on and unlock it.
It has a touch screen and it so much easier for me to enter phone numbers and names. I got lots of practice because all the contacts did not tranfer over to the new one. KRP and the other hand had no backup whatsoever because she decided I would be wasting money if I gave the phone company 1.99 to backup your contacts (yes they charge for this now) and she lost all her contact numbers LOL LOL – well after the brouhaha where I was actually called over re actively negative I find some satisfaction in listening to her enter number after number while the keypad locks every 15 seconds ha ha I know how to set it to stay unlocked longer but hey what do I know!
I am happily loading new ring tones and wallpaper and setting my contact ring tones and ID pics – I did print out the last two months of cell activity so KRP could find her numbers . ..
Heard from downstairs: to heck with it if they can’t be bothered to call me what do I need their numbers in here for anyways.