Pinky takes on the Green MonSter

Some days are just like that eh? The last few have caught me feeling a bit blah and not quite right. Although I am not sure what right is anymore?
The latest wonder is I have woken up with my hands swollen. Now, is this a thyroid problem?, a overuse problem? a MS thing?, or ???? I sure hope it is a thyroid or overuse thing cause most of my MS things never really go away once the come. Numb hands doable, swollen hands – err – a real annoyance. I was lucky to notice and managed to get my rings of the other morning with a lot of soap and frustration. Bummer.
It drives me rather nuts at times when something goes wonky. I never know what the heck it is. Everything can not and is not always the MS. I need to chill out.
Next week I am going in for my usual blood tests and I get to have a bone density deal done too. Woo pee – can you hear the sarcastic tone there.
It would be really super fantastic to have a few days where something did not come up that brought this whole mess back to the forefront of thought. Just when I manage to not obsess, dwell upon, or think about stuff every few hours . …
Catfish is hanging out in the doorway with his royal orb of fuzz looking rather bored while I type. I get up at night sometimes and if I can not get back to sleep I will either read in bed or get up and come into the computer room and browse the net until I feel tired again. He has figured out a way that we can get on the same page as to when I am done and am going back to bed. He drags his orb or his little pink hedge hog out and until I take it back into the room and set it on the bed he knows I am not done yet.
A while back I discovered that pinky apparently needed to use the mp3 player LOL – Catfish takes care of his toys.
I think I will head off to read a bit as Catfish has replaced the orb with pinky – this is a serious call to play his little toe nails are pacing in the hall right now.
Once of these days I will have to get a video of him playing football with his orb. He puts it in his front paws and as I say hup hup he moves the orb back a bit and then forward. When I say hike he flings it back and out his hind legs.
It really is cheap entertainment late at night when everyone in the house is asleep but us. Catfish can become very determined to cheer me up when he somehow knows I am bummed.
So different stuffed toys with different meanings. The mean old ugly green MonSter and the little cute pinky. Right now Catfish and pinky are winning as I am busting up laughing now.