Been on of “those” days.
This morning I woke up extra stiff – after I took a bath my eyes went south. My fingers are nasty stuck and my balance is wackier than normal. So, I played couch potato and stuffed my face with all sorts of foods that probably are not the good for me. You know the stuff: brownies, potato chips, . …
Hope this state goes away and is not one of those gifts that keeps on giving. I think I did too much yesterday and slept crappy.
I promised my friend in our MS group that I would be apart of her team for the WalkMS this year. Last night after lots of clicking and muttering foul words I finally navigated about the site enough to get the basics done. I am on the team. There is no easy way to navigate to my section if I go somewhere on the site and try and get back again.
Why o why make me go to a my participant center and then have to reselect my city, etc? Oh well. I wrote a cute little why I walk thing up only to have it disappear because I started using the browser back button so it reverted to whatever I went back to I guess. Anyway I think I did it OK. Now the fun part hitting folks up for money!
They need a click here dingbat button for me.
I am off to read and hopefully get some sleep.