I Need Retreading

OK I already feel like a retread LOL but . …
Long story short – the washer over flowed (the old one) awhile ago resulting in pushing the stairway carpet over the deep end (pun?). It dried out stretched out and we both kept tripping – not good – it is hard enough for me on normal terms but stretched out – now way. So we pulled it all up. Nothing says YUK louder than an uncarpeted stairway. But we spent the money on a new washer and dryer instead of carpet. No carpet – you find out who your true friends are.
My folks had a leak and the insurance company replaced the damaged hallway and since the living room carpet would not match they replaced that too. Yeah for us! The carpet was one year old and they buy good grade (better than we could ever afford). So I mooched the carpet. I still had tack strips and padding left over from the bedroom
Twenty years ago I did the stairs and the upstairs in a day – umm not anymore but, I did make some progress. KRP finally got the hang of using the square to measure straight pieces so she cut the carpet out while I layed the tack strips and pad. Then I carpeted.
The start of a long day:
And here is where I ran out of gas . …
I only poked myself four times with the tack strip before going to the store and buying a new pair of work gloves.
I only stapled my boot soul once – oops – at least I did not hit skin – before taking the gun apart and fixing it.
Catfish hates the noise the electic staple gun I use to tack down the padding.
Annie thinks rolls of carpet need to be unrolled.
KRP now knows how to use a square.
We are all still alive but tired – the stairs are on their way to being retreaded.
And So it Goes – ZZzz
So kmilyun what whee you doing at 4 freakin am this morning?
Cell phone shot of the CSI SUV.
Why I was across town watching the police.
Why oh why were you doing that?
Because some A holes broke into the store where my sig other works.
The pharmacy got hit to be exact.
A few more controlled substances out on the streets today. Talk about a mess. Why not just break one window? How about the axe job you did in the pharmacy – yes folks they used an axe. I guess all good thief bring axes to the party – I mean what is a burglary without an axe.
You can not just let a loved one go out in the night when the alarm company calls and says numerous alarms going off . .. geezz . … fun watching the tech taking her crime scene photos. We had a short chat about photography gear too. Other than that it was kind of like being here in the neighborhood – cops – guns – smashed windows.
What a PITA. Their 3 minutes of thievery will take hours to clean up and lot of inventory work for the pharmacist not to mention folks having to work all day after having to get up so dang early.
Augh – I gotta go get some sleep.