K2 Style Image Border

Ok I am trying out this scheme for K2 but for the life of me can not figure out how to get the border padding around the images bigger. Or, better yet, does anybody know how to change the wrap around for the text so the image class would render with out the text along the sides? Help! I am assuming I need to change the css style in the new scheme but not sure where – I took a stupid pill.


  1. Wow, love the new header and scheme!

    I struggle with the positioning stuff all the time and this is one of the best tutorials I’ve found to help with it:


    Inside posts, the images appear inside the class “itemtext”. You may need to create styles for .itemtext img

    Anyway, check out the tutorial because it’s the simplest explanation I’ve ever had to answer just about any positioning question.


  2. Eek, my last comment disappeared (hopefully into comment moderation land….)

    I meant to add a thankyouverymuch for the nice words about my theme, too. I’m just about to start experimenting with the K2 3-column theme in the hopes of incorporating it on the other websites.

  3. Thankyou for the site addy. I will check it out later today. I got back up and started reading and here I am almost 4am. eck gads I need to get some sleep. I set my blog for awhile to automatically post replies from those already approved after a few problems with spam I changed it back. Now running the spam program – I will set it back and see if it works.
    I need to find a good picture to put up in my header, as you know, not too many of mine are ready for primetime. I will most likely make one up in photoshop. ๐Ÿ™‚

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