Gravatar PlugIn, Color, and Site Updates

wp-content/gravatars/kmilyun2_gravatar.pngI have not been keeping up with posting something each day. Live right now life has taken precidence. I have been playing around with different colors on the blog today and have activated gravatars. Now should I use a cartoon or someother representation or – gasp – a pic of the real me? I suppose this will all be moot if the plug in doesn’t work.

Since sights, smells, and sounds can trigger a memory, I will in the spirit of utilizing the blogoshere as a form of human intereaction – I will use the real me.

The background image I am using right now is from a photo I took at the de Young last fall. I believe the earthenware is dated ~300 BC – 300 AD and from the West Mexico area. I am trying to come up with a color scheme that matches the background without being dull. I seek vibrance!

I am playing around with K2 still on my play around blog. The Binary-Blue theme I started using here on this blog is loaded with built in support for lots of goodies.

Bloggers – Buy Them – Cyber Bill Boards

Blogging is turning into a great big advertising fest!

Although payperpost is not my thing it does not bother me as long as the blog using it declares it – as this blog does- Odd time signatures. Not only can you earn a bit of money to post a review now you can get a FREE product!

You like free stuff, right? C’mon, who doesn’t? Then come be a part of It all!

As a matter of fact Drumsnwhistles post on this deserved a response.

So here it is 🙂

No-one will ever convince me that any review to get a free product will be an honest one!
Remember when broadcast television was free and good? Then along came cable. Perhaps well worth the extra cost if for no ads during movies. Now we have payper view and premium channels. My stupid guide menu now has ads on it for goodness sakes. And, broadcast televisions quality has gone down.

The “Blogoshere” was free (except dialup charges). Then came the “free” services like the ones offered by KMart etc. that had home pages with so many ads you would not be able to find way around them :). Free homepages led to ads (like the free geocities sites at Yahoo/SBC. Now there is an extra charge to have an ad free site. You can also pay more for extra bytes of data transfer or storage. The quality of many blogs has gone down. Many blogs are nothing but cyber billboards and data mining ventures vultures.

I use firefox not Internet Explorer. I refuse to watch a movie for $3-$5 that will be free in two years. I refuse to place ads on my site. I pay not to have ads on my site – but that is me.

We all differ.

Two Schemes that I am working on

Use the theme switcher in the upper right to see the two themes. Still working on text colors etc. Let me know which one has the most potential. I will put of few more up once I get em started. Then I will play with the layout – maybe 🙂