The Theme is Dark and Grey

I spent some time walking around our complex today looking for anything with some color to practice taking pictures. Well there seems to be a lack of color around here. One bush did have four tiny berries on it – oh wow! For some reason this winter everything seems grey. Gloomy kind of really. It made me want to go out and buy some plants that had any and I mean any color to them. Even the green in our evergreen trees is dull and has a grey-brown tinge. Seriously, it is not the eyes beholding – there was no color other than grey-brown-green.

In theme I played around and came up with this:

click for larger pic

I will not show you my green bean pics as if you have seen one green bean you have seen them all.

I drove up to the Marysville area last night. There were colors there. Yup, the vegetation there produced more red berries than the shrubs around here. LOL some yards even had winter blooms. I guess some people realize that winter blooming vegetation is a good thing :).

F Stop Eight

click if ya dareThis camera thing is getting to me. You all know – more means less. Where was that dial? How did I do that again? Somethings are just not staight foward to my backwards mind. Was that aperture big or number big, was it big is big but ya get less . … consider I am working with less mind wise here. Really, I do know that smaller Fstop# = larger diameter of arperture and less depth of field. But knowing and doing, well apparently my camera and I are not one on this issue. My old camera was wonderful. It was a nice Minolta Maxxium 5000 with some great zoom, telephoto, wide, and closeup lenses I had purchased along the way. But it used oh my gosh – horror – film – that I had to pay to get developed. Smart cookie ( I did mention my backwards mind right?) that I am, I gave it to my roomates nephew and bought this Sony F828.

My Minolta was easy to use. It (not I) took some great pics on automatic. I learned what lense produced what outcome. What settings did what. It was simple. No purple glow around tree brances. We had moments in the forest where we were one. Not so with this dang Sony. Now I imagine you the reader have now figured out that you can put what I know about photography on the head of a pin. Just don’t ask me to take a picture of the pin because the dumb Sony does not have that closeup thing (lense) that will let you nor can you buy one. Nope, once again, no can do. This camera needs an owner that knows what the heck they are doing.

So, here is the F8 picture on a tripod in aperture priority setting so I did nothing but change the aperture setting. The other pics taken the time on total automatic came out normal. I am such a goof. Whatz up with this? I can not duplicate it either. That is the puzzle what if I want to do this again? Catfish says he just moved at the speed of light into focus . … super dog. Maybe he can become one with the Sony.

I am confused easily. DUH

Example: Mom Not Allowed

Here I offer up a prime example of why my mother is NOT allowed in our house. She comes from a long line of perfect moms. Item one a quote from my cousins blog about my Aunt:

It is again the dreaded “holiday season”. To me this usually means trying to attain my mother’s level of perfection: beautifully decorated home, 25 different kinds of homemade cookies and candies, complete homemade meals every evening (which is no different than any other time of year for her), handwritten cards out by December 5, a mountain of gifts purchased and wrapped by December 5.

The only difference is my mom is older than my aunt. She has had more practice at perfection.


The Picture I Got

I decided to set up my new tripod and take some pictures outside. Nothing fancy just to play with the camera settings and see what the end result was. Set up the tripod, took the lens cap off, and then . … it started to rain. Choosing not to get wet I decided to take it all back in and try another time. I am a wimp and might just melt when I get wet!

In the short time I was outside Annie decided to get Santa from the shelf and destuff him LOL. I picked up what remained of poor Santas insides (he now has some very small feet and a hold in is jolly belly) and sat down on the couch. Catfish dog jumped up lay down next to me. Annie? Here is the picture I got of her:
