Dear California voters,
You have made it clear that you do not want my 26 year long relationship to be afforded any of the benefits that you the folks made of the right stuff are getting.
So, rather than paying lots of money each month to remain insured on “the domestic partners” insurance when the State of California offers a much cheaper solution I am thinking of canceling it. Hey why save your collective conscious money? and receive nothing in return? Yes, I may just become another expense for you.
Why not, I have to pay lawyers to draw up documents so my partner can be assured a say in my care should I become hospitalized – I have to pay to make sure they can be allowed to visit me. But, I can not count as a tax deduction. I don’t make enough for it to mean a hill o beans if I qualify for a medical equipment deduction. It sure would help if my “domestic partner” could. You see “domestic partnerships” don’t get to the benefits that joint tax filings for married couples do nor, do they get the automatic say so enjoyed by married couples when making health decisions.
No I think you have made it clear. You rather I sign up for your tax paid services. Woo hoo, I bet I will be able to afford that prescription now as your programs have a lower co pay. Oh yeah then lets see maybe I can get food stamps too! Man this turning into a leach is looking better and better.
I almost forgot the organized religion part of this all. One of the largest groups in donations and battle was the Mormon Church. You all just invited the State into the Church – and the Church into the State – dumb dumb dumb remember the division of Church and State? It does not bother you that child molesters, rapists and murders. etc are members of your congregations – because they are “forgiven”. But a loving caring couple – now that is a sin isn’t it!
The other thing that really irks me is that in the “Yes we Can” world where the citizens of this country joined me in voteing in our first African American President – Barack Obama – the exit polls show that African Americans were a factor in the decision to place gay couples as second class citizens. For those of you who voted YES – Does it empower you to have someone lined up to send to the back of the bus with your NO YOU CAN”T vote? I don’t get it.
It still boggles my mind that a State would have it in their Constitution to discriminate against a group. Our State majority actually voted to put in the Constitution.
I have never been so ashamed of where I live as I am now.
I’m struggling to write about this now. I’m so angry. Unfortunately it wasn’t just Mormons. There were many churches (Baptists most prominently) who participated in the dishonest framing of what the issues were. Equal protection isn’t a gay rights issue; it’s a fundamental pillar of what we believe in this country.
Amending the constitution is not something that belongs in the initiative process. Obviously the California educational system is a huge failure.
I am putting high hopes on Obama. If he gets the right justices, we can go to the SC. This, one state you can marry in, one you can’t—how does this make United states? Where is Abe when you need him? His “…whether any nation so dedicated can long endure…” address when our country was divided, said it all. But, you have the right (the ONLY, I’m afraid) idea—hit ’em in their piggy banks. I dont care if they call me married or “Yes, I’m civil unioned.” (though as I age my teeth may fall out between so many freakin’ words!) Long as they call me or her to receive our social security death benefit that we both paid into for over 40 years!! Boston tea party time. No bennies, no taxes. GrrrruFF