1. I’m struggling to write about this now. I’m so angry. Unfortunately it wasn’t just Mormons. There were many churches (Baptists most prominently) who participated in the dishonest framing of what the issues were. Equal protection isn’t a gay rights issue; it’s a fundamental pillar of what we believe in this country.

    Amending the constitution is not something that belongs in the initiative process. Obviously the California educational system is a huge failure.

  2. Diane J Standiford

    I am putting high hopes on Obama. If he gets the right justices, we can go to the SC. This, one state you can marry in, one you can’t—how does this make United states? Where is Abe when you need him? His “…whether any nation so dedicated can long endure…” address when our country was divided, said it all. But, you have the right (the ONLY, I’m afraid) idea—hit ’em in their piggy banks. I dont care if they call me married or “Yes, I’m civil unioned.” (though as I age my teeth may fall out between so many freakin’ words!) Long as they call me or her to receive our social security death benefit that we both paid into for over 40 years!! Boston tea party time. No bennies, no taxes. GrrrruFF

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