1. Funny you’d post this today as I just had a post this morning about connecting up with folks via FB. Just came home from dinner with a friend I hadn’t seen in at least 30 years with whom I reconnected due to Facebook. It’s quite a tool.

    • kmilyun

      I read that and laughed sometimes it seems that things go in spurts.
      Friend me friend me LOL I don’t know what your facebook id is

  2. webster

    I just joined Facebook. Still learning how it works. Haven’t searched for any one yet – don’t you need their E-mail?

    • kmilyun


      Click on the facebook icon on the top right here and you should get my facebook page friend me and I will add you too then you can find everyone else 😉 well most folks anyways

  3. Diane J Standiford

    Ah, the joy of the Internet, eh? Making friends has never been so easy. (and reconnecting) My Facebook is a mess. just not enough time for it…so many people on it I SWEAR I don’t KNOW! LOL

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