1. webster

    I’m impressed, that you didn’t lose your balance when your mustache came off. Can you stand straight for one whole minute? I’m not sure I can. Okay, I’m pretty sure I can’t.

    I need steroids. I’m really jonesing for some infusions. But I have PT on the 22nd, and I want to be evaluated at my base(st) level. Not a level that is buoyed by drugs.

    My other goal at PT is to have them teach my husband how to do a proper range of motion and exercises with me without hurting either of us! He is a firm believer if this much is good, more is better. Knowing that, dare I say “Be careful what you wish for Webster?”

    Anyway, keep up the good work Jan. Especially with your core strength.

    • Augh it depends on what kind of day it is as to how long I can stand but I do not think I could make it a whole minuet most days. It is very dependent on how tired I am. I start out walking great and it does not take long for me to get off kilter.

      In PE I have exercises that work on range of motion and they really have made moving less robotic. It is work that is for sure. But your right it is a good thing.

      Core strength those exercises bite LOL!

      Hope you can put off the roids until after your evaluation.


  2. I’m impressed!! I’ve not tried any of the one-leg lifts while standing and arms out. Sent my hips into a dancin’ shaking boo-te. Very funny.

    I also can’t do the feet-together eyes-closed business. The very first time I did that test in a neuro exam, I wondered why the heck the neurologist shoved me in the back?! Well, it wasn’t so much shoving as catching. Oops.

    Enjoyed the video. You’re getting very creative with the clips and music. I like it.

    • I edit out all the shaking boo-te bloopers – that is the secret ha ha.

      I am having fun doing videos it is a lot easier than typing and easier to communicate – a picture paints a thousand words type thing maybe?

      My next video will make Webster and you both happy – I added more music background and I show my silly little face – somewhere in it – got to watch to see.


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