• Now you must have figured that since it was not I whom had the accident combined with everything else I laughed so dang hard my sides hurt. Not about the pants but the guy really looked like he was ready for war.

      It is nice knowing that somewhere in the world exists a man that knows all about my P accidents 😳

  1. I guess this is why there’s no video? I’m getting a huge chuckle here — I have such a mental image of your ‘harrowing’ experiences. Can’t wait for more!!

  2. ok now that is not a gun i would want to be shot with! holy crap! glad you didn’t have an accident but sucks that trish did… i’m laughing so hard right now! damn shit suckers

  3. Webster

    I’m glad it wasn’t you who P’d her pants. Poor Trish – So close, and yet so far.

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