1. Moi? I know nothing, nada, zilch, about cameras. It never became my thing. If you’re interested, Wheelchair Kamikazi on Blogger has mounted his camera onto his electric chair and can now take pictures with his one good hand, Drop by and have a look-see.

    • I used to follow his site and he is a good photographer and very ingenious in finding ways to take his video’s and photos. I am sure it my loss but I stopped reading.

      I can do zentangles and all the crafts you do – not my thing but I enjoy looking.

  2. I just leave my white balance alone now. I was mucking around with it one day, and my photos were a mess. I am not very technically inclined…more a see it, shot it, cross my fingers type of photographer.

    For some reason I am enthralled by water fowl, and love to take phots of them, and look at other’s photos. I love your 3rd one!

    • I never messed with it for a few years. The photo group was shooting at a car show and the lighting was sending my camera into fits. One of the members took the time to explain the basics and helped us set up our WB and wah lah problem solved.

      I usually stick to auto WB unless a am going for a particular effect, light painting, or a situation like the car show comes along.

      I have fun trying to capture the birds in the water. They are quite amusing at times.

  3. And, here I am with my new digital camera that has about 20 icons representing idiot presets trying to figure what they are! Once I do, they can be quite helpful like the “backlit” setting and such.

    Sad about the wounded birds — we can’t seem to do much without leaving a trail of wreckage behind us. Sorry, I’m not exactly perky pollyanna tonight.

    The angry birds pic is funky — wouldn’t have guessed.

  4. Augh, perky pollyanna – sounds boring. You take great pics so must not be idiot presets. I have a bunch also somewhere in some menu dang if I know where. A good photo is always dependent upon the most important factor the eye looking through the lens.

    And yes our species does have a sad record. I always take more trash out than I arrive with and I constantly rethinking things like mono filament line, and now line in general. I am one of the geeks that never road off the trail, backed out all my crap, and did not take out a star fish to take home. So now practicing catch and release is not letting me off the hook.

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