Ok another post about – well – err – nothing much as that is what goes on around here much of the time.
The title of this blog was chosen as a joke back at a friend that started when I was reading one (yes he has more than one) doctorate thesis paper (or whatever you call em) any way I could not remember what bifurcate meant and he and his wife my friend Shelley (she died of lung cancer in 2011) teased me about it. I really do not have a solid written in stone purpose for this blog.
I mentioned in a comment on a blog that I have not been able to just hit the delete button on this blog – I mean it really is a record of what the “what the heck was I thinking stuff” and my journey through time. Unless something really nasty awful or a data disaster hits I probably will never hit the delete key. Through the years post have disappeared when data became garbled or hackers made it to the database. Things were not as easily secured a few years back – the platform is much improved now.
Many times through the years it has crossed my mind hee hee . …
Now to the what has kmilyun been doing?
Same thing different day is most likely the correct answer. The side path of the month seems to be playing the xbox games. There is one game that I really enjoy playing for lots of reasons.
It challenges my brain to hold onto info. It is one of those games that builds upon what actions/reactions your character has made along the time frame. This means to have any chance of winning I must remember things that other characters have said or done. I have already played two of the trilogy of Mass Effect. The internet chatter is alive with the news that my character no matter what they do is gonna die in this final chapter in the story line. Now that truly really sucks.
If my character walks through a hallway and over hears a statement like “we need to get the plans for . …” I can bet that later one (maybe a few hours of play time) somewhere I will come across the plans for . … and then I need to remember where I over heard the original statement – and if I do – yeah I get a reward if I deliver the goods.
It also is very detailed and the depth of the coding the programming amazes me. Universes, Galaxies, and planets. To win I need to learn and remember a bunch of things about different alien (to earth) races. Their cultures, history, locations of major cities. Are they in galaxy X or? Friend or foe? Can I work it so they will be on my side? Each and every conversion has possibilities – which response gains the most points or good will. It all comes together in order to well win the game LOL.
There really is evidence out there that game playing helps with critical thinking and creative problem solving. Here is a word for yah: A positive stress over a negative – in one word eustress.
The adaptive swim class started up so on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have a long morning. Adaptive PE starts at 11am and then followed by the swim class. The weather has made it rather a pain in the arse really. Since the pool is kept covered and the “normal” swim class before ours seems not to swim when it is rainy looking out there – the cover is on until our teach and her aids uncover it. You end up with too warm of water for me and freaking cold air with a breeze or wind.
I end up doing the too hot now too cold thing the whole class period. Amazing how a few degrees warmer water temps effect my body. Then when I get out it is so freaking cold well . …
Billy’s son my fishing pal Brandon is coming late tonight with his gal Marissa. I am excited about seeing them! Very cool I think that the chose to spend their spring break here with us. I just hope they get here and over the pass safely. Not to be an old worry wart but it might be snowing and the sierra’s can be no joke at times.
That is all I have for now. Mikey just showed up for dinner and then we shall await the arrival of the kiddo’s.
you wrote a post!!! you wrote a post!!! LOL
i’m so glad you are having company… you guys are going to have fun… and it is way cool that the kids chose to come spend spring break with y’all
sometimes i really miss gaming… and i know you are right… it keeps the mind going… and it’s so freakin addictive… amazes me how in depth the games are these days…
Yeah I actually still can spell sometimes 🙂 tee hee that is what spell check is for!
The kids got here around 2a.m. your read this right Zzzzz I am so tired ha ha good but tired. We or course had to all chat till 3 oh my.
Games give me something to do without expending much energy. The brain working away sure does use a lot though. They are amazingly detailed and complex. Example, five types of weapons, five models in each, each model having numerous upgrades – 2 slots, 10 choices . …. then the ammunition types . …. and what did you say to that Asari about the Geth about 20 hours of game play ok? LOL
I can hardly believe that you in Sacramento are complaining about the weather being too cold. I stake my claim to that right. Spring has sprung, and daffodils and flowering plums are starting to bloom, but on a GOOD day we hit 50 effin degrees, which isn’t too bad IF a) it isn’t raining, b) the wind isn’t blowing, or c) I can’t remember what c was. So…
Glad you’re back to PT. The back to back classes might kick your ass, but you know it would be worse if the weather were warmer. Might I suggest that you take a long terry cloth robe with you to the pool, and when you have to get out jump right into it? Sure you might look like a prize fighter, but if it makes you more comfortable, who cares?
Now Webster you know it is all relevant. I give that it is way colder there and you get top billing in bitching rights.
But dang it under 65 deg. get out of pool to thunder clouds and wind and I IS cold OK? Outdoor pool that is placed just so the wind can cut through yah like a knife.
I suspect that when it hits higher temps we will shoot up from the mid to high 30’s at night and the mid to high 60’s at daylight to the 80’s and 90’s with no adaptation time.
My niece is living in North Dakota now and well I think movie, Fargo, freaking cold . … she might think you got it made.
When we do the plus 100’s can I get bitching rights?
um, i get bitching rights in the summer lol 116 is not my idea of a fun summer (i’ll share bitching rights though because i know it gets blasting hot there too jan)
we are already up in the mid-80’s… it was 50-60’s last week and this week 80 freakin 5
that is what get me the most going lower temps right up into the higher ones – or hot to cold. Dang so it is gonna be 80 freakin 5 – sorry 🙁
It is 48F here right now and rainy.
Eustress – I like that word. I love computer games, but have never gotten into the new generation of first-person games. I think the last ones I played were Wolfenstein and Duke Nukem! Ancient history. I am currently addicted to words with friends on FB … that’s more my speed.
I love having house guests. Enjoy yours!