Author: kmilyun
Spaghetti Sauce A Cooking and Name the Dulcimer

Another week of PE over – yeah! Dang, I woke up rather sore in a few spots LOL.
The rain is back and the wind is blowing. Good afternoon the stay in. Making spaghetti sauce it is starting to smell good up here – it has been cooking in the crock pot since 1pm . …
Spent some time this afternoon playing the dulcimer with my faithful mutts at foot. Catfish usually just goes to sleep while Annie has this need to talk back at the noise. I end up putting her downstairs when I am trying to do the webcam thing.
Taking suggestions on names for my Blue Mountain dulcimer – I am playing her in the video below so comment away with your ideas – oh – please no sissy name ok. I so can not hear myself talking to her and saying something like sweetie or honey pie LOL
Ok todays video:
Clowing Around

Time just marching along here.
Yesterday and today PE class was ok. Lots of things to remember. What exercise is done on which machine etc..
Played around with the dulcimers a bit today. And I got all my piles in the room cleared away and most of the stuff put away – somewhere.
Then I played with the webcam and made another goofy movie.
Hope you can deal with clowns:
Video Respose and How I killed Aunt Rhodie

I have not gotten back to the clean up project today – but tomorrow maybe I will.
Just goofing off and playing around.
In response to Webster’s comment I made a video response – after you watch it – oh yeah – giggling is mandatory when viewing it – don’t forget to stop by and leave webster a comment. And check out the sites on the blog roll here too.