What I was planning on doing right now was to write a post about our trip to Nevada and Brandon’s Graduation. What I am doing is having to go outside and try and stop the kids from throwing rocks at my truck. I can not move the truck from the carport onto the street in front of our place because the adults that should be watching their kids or perhaps – hark – stop them from damaging others property have solved their problem by moving their vehicles in front of our place – nice.
These folks would be a great group for a sociological study on ghetto mentality. Find a tree? Pull all the branches off it. See a flower? Yank it off the plant and toss it. They are like vegetative eating ants – nothing green must be left behind.
See a shiny car? Make sure you bomb it with cherries yanked from the trees. Or better yet toss dirt clods all over it. No respect for anyone’s property. No respect period.
I think we are getting to the bite the bullet point here. Why pay the bills when we can just bail? LOL don’t worry we so do not have this mentality because we were raised with a moral code and taught to be responsible, respectful, and honest. Our new electric meter says we are using three times the juice we have for over 28 years, we invested in a new central heating and air system so I could be cool and warm now we can not afford to run it! The utility companies response? you should be happy that you got away with a slow meter all those years.
Must be nice to never have worked a day in you life and have your rent, food, and beer paid for by tax dollars. The cut off for food stamp and housing help is set just above what welfare recipients get so if you worked SSD (in most cases) pays too much so you do not qualify where as those receiving SSI most certainly always do. Go figure.
While politicians talk about cutting money from programs that folks paid into all their working days to balance the budget I have yet hear any talk of cutting payments to the lazy good for nothing leaches of society.
Now they have cut our police budget down so far we are loosing more police and they have let us know we are pretty much on our own. So they get to blast their music, damage our stuff, shoot of their bullets, rob us, party hearty and their truly is no one to stop them.
History repeats itself – the Fall Of Rome comes to mind.
Ok hopefully I am done B’ing for now.