Not much new going on around this front. Lots of hot air but it cooled a bit today so yeah! Hope it remains a bit cooler for a bit as the heat is my enemy. And it is not a love the enemy type thing nor does the keep your enemies close fit either. I just want to scream make it go away!!!
We are trying to find someone to help add some insulation up in the attic. Guess our 1974 stuff has giving up the ghost. So upstairs gets way way too hot the even think of wasting the precious A/C energy on an attempt at cooling stuff down. So I am spending a lot of time in the one room with the portable A/C in it. Hope to heck the energy it uses is not too much. I am keeping it at 89 so fingers crossed.
New Video Software
I have not made any video lately so I guess I could do that when it gets cooler instead of reading, and reading, and reading . … KRP figured I could splurge on the newer version of my video program with a tad of the tax return money – woo hoo. It is not a fancy one and does not even do masking but hey it does more video and audio tracks per render so that saves time and frustration. It does 3D also but I do not have a 3D video camera or two video cameras that I could film side by side either. I have researched a possible work around and will give it a go when it gets cooler.
Now this is the part you must all pay attention to! I know for a fact that a certain fellow (gal actually but somehow gallow was so wrong) MS blogger has a new video program now. So I am expecting great things and knowing this person I am assuming a fun run at competition shall arise – as they are very artistic and creative. While we both claim to not have a competitive bone in our bodies – I say Ha! – lies all lies – we both do! So you should all benefit no?
It is suppose to be cooler today with rain coming this evening or tomorrow. This summer weather is getting interesting. Rain and possible thunderstorms are predicted for tomorrow – at the end of July? The river levels have been going up and down with the snow melt runoff and dam releases. Not complaining about the cooler temperatures but it is still strange.
Lucio and Domyon(sp?) are going to lay out more insulation in the attic. First morning that they do not have another job (read paying job here) we are going down to the store and picking up the insulation and then they plan on going up into the upper level of hell (the attic) and install the pink stuff. Yeah!! Since they have their own tools and gear the only thing we may need to buy other than the insulation are a couple of those white protection suits for them. I can not wait until the stuff is installed as the heat upstairs has become unbearable.
Domyon went up and took a look and noticed (as suspected) that the A/C installers moved insulation away from the area they worked in and never put it back! Also it appears when the association replaced the siding the air flow blew some of the insulation down into the walls or maybe out onto the ground – who knows – but there are space where the stuff is just gone! WTF! I should make a video of them working but I do not think I could get the video camera up there.
Last night the creeps of the hood decided they needed to argue and fight. Thank you the police came and it got quite for about 5 mins. after they left. Then they started up again. The officers that showed up were wise as they came back and over the loud speaker basically called the folks fools – told them he would be embarrassed that they should just shut up and go into their homes. LOL the voice on the loud speaker really did say that – too funny – well as funny as these things can be after midnight. After four visits from the police they finally got a bit quieter. I tried to video this also but it was too dark and my video camera does not do well in low light.
Around 2am three females were down five feet from the back of my truck and next to our garbage cans that we put out to get dumped. I could not see what they were doing so I went out there. I just walked down the sidewalk and stood there staring at them as they played with some sort of fireworks that popped and then tossed something in our garbage can. One of the gals saw me and screamed who is that, who is that – I said nothing – and they ran off obviously startled and hollering that someone was lurking. LOL stealth . … well actually all I did was keep my mouth shut – apparently something they have never considered ha!
Video for today
I spent way too much time doing this short video as it was a frame by frame deal. Let me know what you think about the effect. I was going for a time warp travel thing.