Purchased a New Wood Scale Ship Model Kit

Call me crazy but I really like scale wood ship modeling – so far :).

Since I can not get a medical release for work – almost 2 years later – I have resigned myself to the fact that I have lots of time to do either nothing or something. Since forcing myself to do tasks that require fine motor skills is very challenging and frustrating but also seems to help me improve or at least learn new ways of doing things. I also have major mental problems with sequencing now. So, I decided to go for it and purchase a “real” wood model kit. After all they take years to complete and I seem to have the time…


I figure if the average completion time for an average person is one to one and half years I will be finished in three years.
I need to rearrange my computer room to add a work area large enough and since my local model shop had the model on sale and I saved $100.00 I can invest in some new gizmo’s for my dremil tool and a work table and maybe a small steamer to shape the wood.

Goal one: I will finish the model no matter how crappy the finished product may be.

Goal two: I will not cut, sand or chop off any of my finger’s in the process.

Delta Facts

Did you know:

The Sacramento-San Joaquin delta takes more than 40 percent of California’s rainfall and covers some 280,000 hectares (700,000 acres). It is the main source of water for about 23 million people, of California’s 34 million population. But most of the land is below sea level and is protected by more than 1,600 kilometers (1,000 miles) of levees.

Todays National Weather Service’s Flood Statement:


825 AM PDT TUE APR 18 2006


The situation clearly is threatening, which is why Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has declared a state of emergency in two dozen communities that could be devastated by breaks in the levees. He has appealed to the Bush administration to declare a state of emergency and provide up to $100 million in federal emergency relief.

Amazingly, the administration’s response, expressed by Lynn Scarlett, acting director of the Department of the Interior, was to praise Schwarzenegger for doing such a great job that she did not see any need for emergency federal aid to shore up the levees. . ..

. ..Perhaps the Bush administration will respond after there are several breaks in California’s levees and communities and farmland are inundated. But it appears that for now the federal government will ignore a potential disaster. ..

Conta Costa Times

Well now here is a jewel, considering the acting Secretary already told us that we did not have a need for emergency assistance:

Acting Interior Secretary Lynn Scarlett said on the 100th anniversary of the 1906 San Francisco earthquake that the federal government is very concerned about the threat posed by quakes and floods to the levees in California‘s delta.

“There are thousands of miles of levees in need of repair,” Scarlett said on Tuesday, rejecting criticism by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger ‘s office that the federal government does not take seriously the threat to California‘s levees, even after the floodwaters overwhelmed levees in New Orleans last year.

President Bush will be here in California and meet with Gov. Schwarzenegger. He will then visit West Sacramento on Saturday but Arnold will not be with him. Maybe George knows a levee break in the area would more than likely flood areas on the opposite side of the river.

K2 Style Image Border

Ok I am trying out this scheme for K2 but for the life of me can not figure out how to get the border padding around the images bigger. Or, better yet, does anybody know how to change the wrap around for the text so the image class would render with out the text along the sides? Help! I am assuming I need to change the css style in the new scheme but not sure where – I took a stupid pill.

Trying out A New Theme

Ok, I am giving this K2 Theme a try. I really like the way it looks on Drumwhistles blog odd time signatures. She just changed her color scheme and header picture and it convinced me to change to the same theme. You are looking at the bare bones right now hopefully I will get a color scheme and header figured out soon.