Compass Spinning

Silly me, I got bored. My blog list folks are not posting. Television news tends to no longer presents unbiased reporting. I started back to reading and researching via the net. Yikes!
The perspective: Micro V the Macro, the small V the big, or Local V Global depending on how you want to define it.
Personal: Numerous physical annoyances atop of MS. I was half way through finishing a game (Assassins Creed Blackflag) when a power surge and fail scrambled my save game and all was lost. I might have to save up and buy a power backup for my game consoles.
Local: Two vehicles speed through our complex shooting hard plastic pellets randomly.
City: Demolition starts on the downtown plaza to make room for the new arena.
State: fires are burning. The DayFire, two miles N of the community of Day (Modoc Co.) is 7,000 acres and 5% contained.
Country: The U.S. State Department and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are bringing infected Ebola patients back to the USA.
Global: Middle East, Eurasia, Africa, and South America. …
I find myself really looking inward. Reevaluating – my beliefs and moral compass. This New World is annoying in many ways. Multiple sclerosis and age are the in my face you cannot do that anymore items. Frustration.
Our townhouse is in an association that if the thugs in the area do not stop stealing, vandalizing, and stop their anti civilized behavior campaigns we are toast. The religious interpretations going on globally are getting insane. I am still stuck on why the f would we bring a most dangerous virus onto our continent. Two people V 533,215,000 (est. pop of North American Continent). I have spent most of my time on earth as a middle of the road type. Neither total left or right politically taking each issue and deciding not based on political party affiliation but on its own merits.
My compass needle is spinning, spinning, and spinning.
Oh yeah it is 2p.m. and 104 F/40 C