
I think of all sorts of topics for blog post while laying in bed right before I go to sleep. You will have to take my word that some of them are really awesome ideas – then again most of the time I forget most of it or change my mind about posting them.
Really, nothing exciting or earth shattering goes on around here most of the time. Once in a while I get to go on a road trip. As for the neighborhood excitement it comes and goes. I am getting much better at ignoring all the crazy and stupid stuff around here. I can even tune out all the loud voices most of the time.
I just finished reading for the second time almost all the J D Robb In Death series. Why not? It was something to do.
After reading a few blogs this morning I started wondering why (just my opinion here) so many people equate acceptance with surrender when it comes to dealing with MS? Just wondering. … yeah acceptance – not the legal sense of the term but the state of realizing that something is believable or true and being OK with it. I sure can not change that I have MS but being ok with it is not the same as surrendering and giving up. Not sure I expressed this well . … what say you?
I have wondering if everyone thinks the same – evaluates the same etc. . When thinking I can take a linear approach where my thoughts go from point a to point b. Or I can end up in circular thought pattern where when I go from a to b I end up back at a with no resolution like the old chicken and the egg deal. Then there is open thinking for lack of a better way to express it. Where my thoughts start at a and go to d, f , g – they ping all around. Often ending with the conclusion of point b but not always. I guess I start the process without an end point in mind? A closed system V an open one? augh so hard to explain really – and truly am not nuts really hahahhhah well at least I don’t think I am.
I have been playing:
Update: since typing this and hitting post the ghetto bird has flown announcing that they had someone surrounded and they should give up and come out and
I now get to go to a show tonight as Mikeys mom can not go woo hoo woo! I will be in good seats watching The Million Dollar Quartet
so something is going on around here!