When there is nothing much to blog about why not discus the old standby, the weather.
Here in Calif. we have had a tornado alert in the Bay Area as a large water spout caused notice and was video taped. Then it seems the real deal – a small tornado hit Santa Rosa. Lots of rain and snow. Car pile ups in the mountains (one large one last I heard ~20 vehicles) and I must mention the flood watches. A flood watch is in effect for the valley through Sunday.
The rain just keeps coming down. I am one of those peeps who likes to look at statistics, facts, get the info, and then process it. Patterns intrigue me. The radiation finally hit Sacramento not much, just the diluted amount they expected and my guess as to arrival was only off about half a day. And the rain is well, raining LOL. I glance at the river levels once in awhile and wonder if (or when) one of levees will fail or be over run. Sounds wacko I am sure but the real measured levels give me a sense of hope – not a false sense of security – I hope tee hee.
Made the ritual trip to the river park off HWY 160. The photos look almost black and white because of the weather.
Here are three photos covering eleven years of the river.



If you look across the river to the far levy you can get an idea of how high the river is right now. My friend Chuck in the far right of the first shot. We used to ride our motorcycles along river road together in the spring and summer. I miss my bikes 🙁
Nimbus, Shasta and Folsom Dams have been releasing water into rivers for over twenty four hours -a lot of water. I think they should have released more sooner instead of holding on to the water. Water sold to southern Calif is not called blue gold for no reason. I dunno sometimes I believe the greedily hold the reservoirs full instead of letting some of it head down river before all the river and creeks hit flood watch and warning stages. I do not like wet feet. Since Shasta dam hit capacity boat launching and fishing ought to be better this year. Hope we get spring this year so I can enjoy before it gets to hot to go out on the lake.
The water was really moving fast this afternoon along river road (Hwy 160) the Sacramento river looked menacing. The water in the parking area crept up 3 inches while we stood there. The wind was blowing and it was real dang cold. So I snapped a couple shots, watched some branches rush by in the ripples, and headed back home.
Well that is it for the weather – it is RAINING and the river is rising.