A couple of weeks ago we noticed that the gal who lived next door had not been around for awhile. Nothing new around here as folks come and go. But then we realized that her little dog was in the backyard. The poor little thing was sometimes without food and water and spent a lot of time whining at the back door. Then a small cold and windy storm came in and the little thing only had a small cat carrier with a by now very wet towel tossed inside for shelter. We tried and tried but could not get the back gate open as it was blocked with garbage cans and other stuff. I finally settled for tossing some dog food over the fence and filling the water bowl over the fence with the garden hose.
A few times the little dog would be out having dug under the fence and I would catch her and squeeze her back through the gap I could open in the gate. Then I would put bricks in the holes she dug. Once in a while we would hear someone over there but never could catch them. Some days the dog was there and others not. The dilemma – how can you call the animal protection to come help the dog when you never no when it will be there? And calling any authority in the neighbor hood is not exactly the safest thing to do because if the people figure out who called – well it usually is not a good thing.
Then at the beginning of last week when KRP came home from work the little dog was out running around and came up to her car door when she started to get out. The dog must have recognized the sound of KRP’s car because she was there to greet her anytime she was next door. Food and water, get the back yard gate pulled open, and put little dog back in the yard. This became the routine. One of us would see her running around and get her and put her back in the yard.
The other morning last week I finally managed to catch the people who were stopping by there. They were apparently doing the best they could trying to watch the place and take care to the dog. The gal who lived there was moving out and apparently was not the greatest at taking care of animals. No? really! . They said the girl was his sister and they had gotten stuck with trying to deal with the dog but between work and all it was just too hard for them. That they new the situation was not fair for the dog. They were trying to do the right thing but . … anyway I suggested that perhaps they might like to find a good home for the little dog. Whew they agreed
I sent the picture in the upper left that a snapped with my phone to a few friends that I knew with the caption “I need a home” and followed up with phone calls. Within hours I had a prospective home. Then the games began. Each time the people were suppose to bring the dog to me so I could take her to my friends they pulled no shows. Once they even told me they had to go get the dog and would be right back. I stayed home all day and they never showed.
We all decided that it was to emotional and well rather crazy so we stopped communicating with them and hoped the little dog would be OK.
Friday when I had just stepped out of the bath the door bell rang. Half dressed I went and peeped through the peephole and saw – oh my the gal that was watching the house holding – yes a little dog! I hollered through the door to hold on and got Catfish and Annie secured and finished dressing. Within five minuets I was in my truck with a little cat carrier and its precious cargo. I zipped out of the complex pulled over and called my friend. “Are you ready?” “you mean they finally brought the dog over!” “yes – I am on the way over now”.
I have keen sense of smell and the kennel and dog stuck! I mean STUNK! Oh my you poor little girl just hold on we are going somewhere where you will be loved and cared for. I talked to the little dog till we got there. Then I realized that in my hurry I had not even put on a bra. Yes Webster I know I is little anyways :).
I waited in the truck while my friend got ready and we headed out to the vets. I figured the first thing we should do would be to make sure the dog was not micro chipped and perhaps really belonged to someone else. No chip. So I drove my friend to the store where she purchased a new collar and leash and some dog soap! We got her back to her home and I gave the little dog a bath. It was quite the affair the two of us (my friend has MS also) giving this little dog a bath. KRP and my friend Miky came over and we all had dinner and made sure everything was going well. When we got home KRP and Miky opened the camper of my truck to get the carrier out to give back to the folks from next door and they about lost it. Oh my gosh your truck smells oh my how did you stand that smell going out to deliver the dog. Can you say lots of air freshener was sprayed and I guess today I will let the cab air out.
Yesterday my friend took her back to vet where she got a check up and all her shots. The three of them are a cute family I think (my friend has an older dog also). She has named the little dog Corkie. Corkie is just the sweetest little girl. She was trained somewhere along the line as she will not jump up and the furniture unless you say it is ok. She spent her first night sleeping on the bed and my friend said if she moved the dog immediately moved over needing to be in constant physical contact with her.
Here is Corkie dog with her new forever family: